Collector and Corporation Commissioner inspected the dog shelter under construction

Raipur. Today, Raipur District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh, along with Raipur Municipal Corporation Commissioner Abinash Mishra, directly inspected the progress of the work of the dog shelter under construction in Sondongri. Raipur District Collector and Corporation Commissioner directed to conduct an intensive tree plantation campaign along the boundary wall in the dog shelter premises with a view to environmental protection in the interest of society. Raipur District Collector and Corporation Commissioner directed Municipal Corporation Zone No. 8 Executive Engineer Abhishek Gupta to ensure the arrangement of dog crematorium for the last rites of dogs in the dog shelter. During the inspection of Raipur District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh and Corporation Commissioner Abinash Mishra, Zone 8 Executive Engineer Abhishek Gupta said that there will be a provision to keep 50 dogs at a time in the dog shelter under construction in Sondongri. All the arrangements including veterinary doctor, his staff, operation theater, will be on the lines of government veterinary hospital. Raipur District Collector and Corporation Commissioner has given instructions to expedite the work of the dog shelter and complete it by the last week of July 2024.