Yograj Singh, father of former India all-rounder Yuvraj Singh, has been in the news of late over his explosive interview on Unfiltered by Samdish. During the freewheeling chat, Yograj, who played one Test and 6 ODIs for India during 1980-81, made several controversial remarks, and also claimed that he went to the former India catpain Kapil Dev’s house with his pistol after the latter became captain of North Zone and dropped him from the team. He also said that the Hindi language sounds as if a ‘woman is talking’.
However, during the same interview, Yograj also made a sensational claim, saying that he was a better batter than his son Yuvraj.
“I was a much better batsman than Yuvraj. Yuvraj Singh, if he has worked even 10 percent like his father, he would have become a great cricketer,” said Yograj.
For the unversed, Yograj played six ODIs and one Test but failed to make any meaningful impact.
On the contrary, Yuvraj has been widely regarded as India’s greatest-ever all-rounder, having played key role in team’s 2007 T20 World Cup and 2011 ODI World Cup triumphs.
Yuvraj played 40 Tests, 304 ODIs and 58 T20Is, smashing 17 centuries and over 10000 international runs across formats.
Yuvraj was named Player of the Tournament as India won the 2011 World Cup, where he scored 362 runs in addition to taking 15 wickets.
Yograj had also claimed that he would have been a proud father even if Yuvraj had died from cancer and India won the World Cup.
“For our country, if Yuvraj Singh had died from cancer and had won India the World Cup, I would have been a proud father. I still am very proud of him. I have told him this over the phone as well. I wanted him to play even when he was spitting blood. I told him, ‘Don’t worry, you won’t die. Win this World Cup for India,’ he added.
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