Indian cricket team star batter Virat Kohli returned to domestic cricket after 12 years as Delhi face Railways in their Ranji Trophy encounter on Thursday. Kohli’s Ranji return sparked massive interest among fans who attended the match in massive numbers. The fans were outside the ground from last night and Virat’s every movement resulted in massive cheer from the crowd. Journalist Rohit Juglan interviewed the chef Sanjay Jha during the game and he revealed that Kohli will eat chilli paneer from the local DDCA canteen during the lunch break. “In lunchtime Virat Kohli will have chilli paneer ordered from the local DDCA canteen,” his post on X (formerly Twitter) read.
The unmatched aura of Virat Kohli was on full display in and around the Arun Jaitley Stadium during the Ranji Trophy fixture between Delhi and Railways as thousands of fans queued up to watch the superstar in an unprecedented rush that forced administrators to make additional last-minute arrangements.
The DDCA (Delhi and Districts Cricket Association) had projected a crowd of around 10,000 for Kohli’s homecoming, which is unheard for a Ranji Trophy game. But such was his magnetic pull that even those lofty calculations went for a toss.
Long before the start of play at 9.30am local time, the 36-year-old Kohli’s loyal band of supporters were jostling to enter the stadium where entry is free for domestic matches.
At first, the DDCA opened the roughly 6,000-capacity ‘Gautam Gambhir Stand’ for spectators but sensing that the crowd situation could go out of hand, the officials were forced to open the ‘Bishan Singh Bedi Stand’ which can accommodate around 11,000 people.
“I have never seen something like this in Ranji Trophy ever. Even in my playing days, there was hardly anyone who made the effort to watch domestic cricket. It is just because of one man,” a former India player present at the ground told PTI.
What added to the commotion was the movement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cavalcade past the ground at the same time.
“I have been involved in Delhi cricket for more than 30 years but I have not witnessed such scenes for a Ranji Trophy game. It just shows the Kohli’s popularity is unmatched,” an overwhelmed DDCA secretary Ashok Sharma told PTI.
“What made it more challenging was that fans entering the stadium coincided with the VIP movement of PM Modi on the outside roads and as part of his strict security protocol and to maintain order, we were instructed by the police to open another stand for the public,” he revealed.
(With PTI inputs)
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