Raipur – Today, for the second consecutive day, as per the orders of Raipur District Collector and Municipal Corporation Administrator Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh and as per the instructions of Municipal Corporation Commissioner Mr. Abinash Mishra and Senior Superintendent of Police Dr. Lal Ummed Singh, under the guidance of Raipur District Administration, a joint campaign by Raipur Municipal Corporation and District Police Administration, Traffic Department has been continued in the capital city Raipur Municipal Corporation area roads in the public interest to provide smooth traffic to the citizens, to take strict action as per rules on the sale of intoxicants near educational institutions and to put effective curbs on certain anti-social activities with strictness as per rules in the interest of the city. Today, the campaign was run for the second consecutive day in the presence of Municipal Corporation Raipur’s City Investor Mr. Aabhas Mishra, DSP Mr. Satish Thakur, Assistant Engineer Urban Investment Department Mr. Ashutosh Singh. By running a campaign from Kalibari Chowk to Siddharth Chowk Tikrapara main road in the capital city, the team of Urban Investment Flying Squad of Municipal Corporation Headquarters, under the guidance of Raipur District Administration, freed the main road from encroachment with the cooperation of District Police Administration and Traffic Department. During this, more than 40 encroachments were removed from the main road. Team Prahari’s public welfare campaign will continue in the future as well to provide smooth transportation to the citizens in the interest of public convenience.