Many Schemes Are Being Run In The Interest Of The Workers Of The State Under The Leadership Of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai – Labor Minister

Labor Minister  Devangan transferred Rs 31.81 crore to the bank accounts of more than 78 thousand workers

Atal Utkrisht Shiksha Yojana- Children of workers will be admitted from the upcoming academic session

So far an amount of Rs 430 crore 03 lakh has been released

Raipur 17 January 2025: Labor Minister  Lakhan Lal Devangan today on Friday transferred Rs 31.81 crore to the bank accounts of more than 78 thousand workers through DBT at his residence office in Shankar Nagar. In the government of Chief Minister  Vishnu Dev, the workers of the state and their family members are continuously getting the benefits of the schemes rapidly. On this occasion, Additional Commissioner Labor  S. L. Jangde, Secretary of Labor Welfare Board  Abhishek Pandey, Deputy Commissioner Labor Department  Paikra, Assistant Labor Commissioner  R. K. Pradhan and workers were present. On this occasion, Labor Minister  Devangan said that under the leadership of Chief Minister  Vishnu Dev Sai, many schemes are being run in the interest of the workers of the state, the direct benefit of which is being received by the working brothers and sisters. Labor Minister  Devangan said that from the upcoming academic session, children of workers will be enrolled under Atal Utkrisht Shiksha Yojana, the expenses of which will be borne by the government. The child of a laborer should not remain a laborer and should be able to achieve a better position by getting education. It is worth mentioning that Chief Minister  Vishnu Dev Sai had transferred the amount to the accounts of workers through DBT during the program organized in the capital Raipur on September 17 on the occasion of Vishwakarma Jayanti. Today, for the fifth time, the amount is being transferred to the accounts of workers. The Chief Minister thinks that the workers should get the benefit of the government schemes from time to time, in this direction every possible effort is being made by the government.

On this occasion, Labor Minister  Devangan said that in the government of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev, the workers of the state and their family members are continuously getting the benefit of the schemes rapidly. The schemes are being successfully implemented through the three divisions of the Labor Department – Chhattisgarh Building and Other Construction Workers Board, Organized Workers State Social Security Board and Labor Welfare Board. As a result of this, from 17 September 2024 to 17 January 2025, 430 crore 03 lakh rupees have been transferred to 3 lakh 26 thousand workers through various schemes. During the program, under the Educational Scholarship Scheme, Mukul Kumar Sahu, Kumari Pallavi Verma, Mukesh Tiwari were given cheques of Rs 15,000 each and Gaurav Devangan was given a cheque of Rs 3,000. Priyanka Francis was given Rs 3706 under the Free Bicycle Distribution Scheme, one lakh rupees to Mangali Kothale under the Chief Minister’s Construction Workers Death and Disabled Assistance Scheme and a cheque of Rs 20,000 to Khiro Nayak under the Chief Minister Noni Empowerment Assistance Scheme.