India is ready to showcase its unique brand of cricket and the players are committed to bringing the Champions Trophy home again, star all-rounder Hardik Pandya said in Wednesday. The Champions Trophy will be held from February 19 and Pakistan is the official host country of the tournament. But India will play its share of matches in Dubai after citing security concerns as the reason for refusing to travel to Pakistan. India had won the tournament in 2013 when it was held in the United Kingdom, and were joint winners with hosts Sri Lanka in 2002.
“The return of the ICC Men’s Champions Trophy is a significant boost to cricket, adding depth and context to the One-Day format. This iconic tournament promises to reignite excitement among fans and players alike,” Pandya said in an ICC statement.
“India is ready to showcase its unique brand of cricket, with every player committed to bringing the trophy home again.”
The opening match of the tournament between hosts Pakistan and New Zealand will be held in Karachi on February 19. India will start their campaign against Bangladesh a day later,” he added as the ICC launched its ‘All On The Line’ campaign’.
The high-energy film aims to bring to life the intense nature of the Champions Trophy where every match counts.
Featuring Pandya, Mohammad Nabi, Phil Salt, Shadab Khan and Shaheen Shah Afridi, the film showcases the immense stakes faced by players as they put everything on the line to claim the Champions Trophy and the unique White Jackets, the ICC said.
“Playing for England in the ICC Men’s Champions Trophy is a huge honour. We know it’s going to be a very competitive tournament but we have an exciting group and we are going to give it our best effort to lift the trophy,” Salt said.
Afghanistan all-rounder Nabi said: “It’s Afghanistan’s first time at the Men’s Champions Trophy, we can’t wait to compete against the best of the best and make our nation proud.” Pakistan pacer Shaheen Shah Afridi added: “For Pakistan, cricket is more than a game—it’s our passion, our pride, our identity and as defending Champions and tournament hosts, there’s everything to play for. I’m sure the whole of Pakistan is eagerly awaiting the 19th of February, it’ll be a spectacle like no other.”
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by The Hindkesharistaff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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