Corporation Zone 8 Removed Construction Done Without Permission In About 6 Thousand Square Feet Plot Near Panchdham Mandir Tati Bandh

Raipur – As per the order of Municipal Corporation Raipur Commissioner Vishwadeep and as per the instructions of Zone 8 Zone Commissioner A.K. Haldar, under the leadership of Executive Engineer Abhishek Gupta and in the presence of Deputy Engineer Lochan Prasad Chauhan, the team of Urban Investment Department of Municipal Corporation Zone No. 8 is continuously taking action against illegal construction and construction against approval in various places under the zone area. In this sequence, today under Zone No. 08, action was taken to remove the construction done without permission in about 6000 square feet plot area by Mrs. Bina Singh near Panchdham Temple of Ward No. 21 Shaheed Bhagat Singh Ward. Similarly, today action has been taken to remove the construction done against approval by Mrs. Manju Agarwal and the staircase and shutter built in the parking area have been removed and the site building owner has been directed to make proper arrangement of parking on the ground floor.